1 Million YouTube Subscribers – 4: 100,000 Subscribers

Getting to 100,000 subscribers is not an easy job. But you can definitely get there if you focus on creating good content and have your video properly optimized. One key factor you should start to try doing is collaboration. Find other youtubers in your niche, instead of competing with them, contact with them and do some collaboration with them, like interview their success story, talk about a specific topic their readers love, or invite them to your channel etc, that is the one of the quickest way to grow your subscribers.

We also received a feedback from Matthew Cambridge and he said creating a video used to take 1 – 2 days minimal. But now he is making 10 videos every week. This is plenty for a week. He used the URL to video feature from GPTVideos. That basically asks AI to study the content at given URL then generate a video for similar topic. Here https://reviewinfobase.com/jz/gptvideo are some example for you to check out if you are wondering how GPTVideos does that. 🚀🚀🚀

In previous video, we also mentioned one powerful way to monetize your video is through this Fast Track system. If you haven’t gotten chance to check out their free webinar, go check it out here: 

https://reviewinfobase.com/go/thefasttrack 🚀🔥🔥

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One Comment

  1. itz.daniel

    Brilliant method for getting subscribers

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