How I’m using coffee enemas to reduce fatigue, brain fog and pain
This article was originally published on and is being republished here with permission from the editor. This article contains affiliate links. The following information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only.

When one of my fibro friends tried coffee enemas, I thought she was crazy. I don’t even drink coffee, and I had no intention of sticking it up my butt!
But after living with unresolved pain and fatigue for years, I’ve gotten to the point where I’ll try most anything to feel better. When my new Lyme/fibromyalgia doctor recommended coffee enemas as part of my treatment plan, I gulped hard, went home and ordered an enema kit and a bag of organic coffee from Amazon. (I’ve since learned Midwest Health and Nutrition is a more affordable source for enema supplies.)
Coffee enemas date back to World War I when soldiers used them for pain relief. They are one of the core treatments of the Gerson Therapy cancer protocol. Until the 1970s, coffee enemas were included in the Merck Manual treatment guide for physicians.
The benefits of coffee enemas include detoxification, improved energy levels, better cognitive function, pain relief, clearer skin, elimination of parasites/candida and much more.
So, how do coffee enemas work? According to pharmacist Suzy Cohen, “As the coffee is retained in your bowel, the fluid goes through your intestinal wall, through the portal vein to your liver. The stimulating effects and healing compounds of coffee jumpstart your liver and gallbladder. Bile flows. There are compounds in coffee like kahweol and cafestol which spark production of glutathione, and that is a strong cleansing compound in your body, one that consumers pay good money for when they buy glutathione as a dietary supplement or get IV injections of it. To make more glutathione naturally by using a coffee enema is awesome.”
From what I’ve read, it takes a lot of energy for the liver to produce bile, so often it will be recirculated and reused by the body. Coffee enemas cause the liver to dump bile (and the toxins it contains) into the intestinal tract so it can be excreted from the body. Fewer toxins means less inflammation, which leads to less pain and fatigue.
I’ve been doing coffee enemas about every other day for the past four months. On enema days, I have more energy and mental clarity, which is a big deal since fatigue and brain fog are notoriously difficult to treat. The effect is temporary – it lasts for a few hours – but it’s well worth the time it takes to do the enema.
Coffee enemas help me somewhat with pain. I believe they may be at least partially responsible for the lower pain levels I’ve had since the fall.
And of course, they have also reduced my gastrointestinal issues especially bloating and constipation.
I’ve had people ask if the caffeine causes me to feel anxiety or nervousness. The short answer is no. I don’t understand the mechanics behind it, but I don’t get the caffeine jitters when I use the coffee rectally versus drinking it. (I’m super sensitive to caffeine and usually get heart palpitations when I drink coffee so I was concerned about this initially but it hasn’t been an issue.)
I’ve also had people ask if coffee enemas affect my sleep. I’m sure this varies from person-to-person, but I haven’t noticed any problems with sleep after doing an enema in the evening. I’ve read that doing coffee enemas at night may actually improve sleep in some people because it reduces the liver’s toxin load.
I know I have a lot of scientifically-minded readers, and unfortunately, to my knowledge, there are no studies confirming the benefits of coffee enemas. I expect part of this is because there’s no money to be made in natural treatments like coffee enemas.
There are research papers and articles that discuss the dangers of coffee enemas. People have reported burns after inserting coffee that was too hot into their rectum. (That kind of reminds me of the woman who sued McDonald’s because she spilled hot coffee on herself.) Rectum tears have happened during insertion. Infections have occurred from using unfiltered water.
I feel like all of these dangers can be avoided with common sense. I only use room-temperature coffee during my enemas. I lubricate the tip of the enema tube with castor oil or coconut oil to avoid any tears or abrasions. I always use distilled water in my enemas, and I sanitize my enema bag after use to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria.
Another concern is flushing away valuable minerals so I make sure to replenish my body with an electrolyte drink.
If you’re interested in learning more about coffee enemas, including instructions on how to do them, the links below will help. It’s definitely important to educate yourself before trying a coffee enema for the first time because there are safety precautions that need to be taken. There are specific recommendations on the type of coffee (organic, light roasted) and water (distilled) to be used, how long to hold it (I do 12-15 minutes), how to clean your enema bag, etc. Everything you never wanted to know about coffee enemas (YouTube, 58 minutes) Coffee enemas (article)
Dr. Jay Davidson: Coffee enema – the missing links (YouTube, 30 minutes)
The Truth About Cancer: How to use coffee enemas to detoxify and heal from cancer (article)
Rain Florence: How to do a coffee enema for liver detox (YouTube video, 7 minutes)
WARNING: Rain’s video actually shows her doing an enema. It’s tastefully filmed, but I still want to warn people before they click!
So now it’s your turn: Have you tried coffee enemas? Did they help? Share in the comments!
A followup…
I’ve had a couple of people complain about this post, saying I am irresponsible for suggesting coffee enemas. First of all, I am not encouraging anyone to try coffee enemas; I am just sharing my experience with them. I clearly said in the disclaimer above this is not medical advice! People always need to do their own research, consult their doctors, etc.
Secondly, coffee enemas were recommended to me by my medical doctor. This is not something I just casually read about online and decided to try on my own.
Yes, there are dissenting opinions on whether coffee enemas are safe, but I’d like to point out it’s common for doctors to label something as “dangerous” or “quackery” if they are not familiar with a particular treatment. To me, that’s the ultimate hypocrisy because how many times do doctors prescribe drugs and procedures that have caused serious harm or even killed people?
And with all respect, Wikipedia isn’t a reliable source for medical information. I trust my doctor’s advice over what some random person wrote on Wikipedia.
I will not remove this article from my website.
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