MTHFR pregnancy & what you need to know

If you have mthfr gene mutations it’s important to understand that when it comes to getting pregnant. But being prepared could mean the difference between success or failure. Being prepared could also mean the difference between having a healthy baby. Secondly having a baby with serious health problems.

While not being prepared properly for pregnancy with an mthfr gene mutation. It can actually even mean the difference between life and death of your unborn child in terms of miscarriages. Which are also very common for those with the gene mutation.

Before we start, in case you don’t know if you have MTHFR gene mutation, you can always get a 23andMe DNA Test kit to have it tested easily.
<script>“><br><img decoding=methyl groups available for use throughout the body.  Methyl groups are needed in the male and female body for many reasons. All of which are needed to create the proper environment for a healthy pregnancy such as:

  • To synthesize choline that’s needed for optimal brain health in the unborn child
  • To balance neurotransmitters needed for healthy brain, mood, sleep, and digestion
  • Help keep the immune system strong
  • To keep inflammation in check
  • To metabolize toxins and hormones (such as estrogen dominance)
  • Crucial for DNA synthesis

MTHFR pregnancy & homocysteine

People with mthfr gene problems often have problems with homocysteine balance. Which is also a crucial factor in pregnancy. High homocysteine, for example, besides this can cause any of the following that can prevent pregnancy and or cause miscarriage:

  • Lower ovarian reserves
  • A diminished response to follicular stimulation
  • Reduced chance of live birth after IVF
  • Egg death
  • Complications with egg development
  • Complications with the preparation of the endometrium for implantation

What are the main risks for C677T mutations and pregnancy?

  • Pre-eclampsia, especially in Caucasian and East Asian populations
  • Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Down’s syndrome
  • Thrombophilia (related to MTHFR gene  mutations – hypertension, recurrent abortions, and intra-uterine growth retardation)
  • Neural tube defects
  • Autism

What are the main risks for A1298C mutations and pregnancy?

  • Thrombophilia (related to MTHFR gene  mutations – hypertension, recurrent abortions, and intra-uterine growth retardation when associated with C667T)
  • Problems with neurotransmitter function
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Emotional problems

How to be successful with MTHFR gene mutations & pregnancy

Firstly having a successful pregnancy with the MTHFR gene mutation is all about being prepared. Also doing the right things by your unborn child.  When you and your partner are healthy. You’ve taken the steps to ensure that you pass on the best of your DNA. Also the best of your own health. Besides this can result in a successful pregnancy.

Common Supplements to assist with MTHFR pregnancy

It’s important to understand that gene mutations take on a life of their own. When it comes to supplements. Anyhow some people with the gene problem. Certain supplements work great to support a pregnancy. While others don’t do as well and need different supplements in the right order. So the right amounts to solving underlying nutritional problems. While some  common supplements used to support mthfr pregnancy include:

  • Methyl-folate (under the supervision of an mthfr practitioner)
  • Vitamin B12 (In certain forms depending on your gene mutation, avoid common B12 cyanocobalamin for mthfr gene problems)
  • Vitamin B6 (may need active forms)
  • Folinic acid (avoid folic acid)
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iodine
  • alpha lipoic acid
  • Co Q10
  • Vitamin E
  • Phosphatidylcholine
  • Other minerals that are deficient according to your hair mineral analysis.

The best one to fit all these is Vitamin B Complex like Basic B Complex from Thorne Research which is specifically designed for MTHFR mutation customers:
<script>“><br><img decoding=Contact MTHFR gene health to get started on the right way to get pregnant.

Did you have any questions about MTHFR & pregnancy?  Contact us here.


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