1 Million YouTube Subscribers – 2: 100 Subscribers

Welcome to the second video of this course. There are total 6 and we try to make the video short.
Please watch the video below and the key is REPEAT. Try to make a video or short every day or every other day. You need to master all the steps so making video becomes easy for you. Once you feel comfortable about making video, then switch your focus to Quality. Find out your viewers want, leave comment asking your viewers to comment and possible provide ideas for your next video. And Then Share. Soon you should reach your 100 subs goal pretty fast.
Starting point is always the most difficult part. But YouTube is one of best REAL BUSINESS to start that can actually bring in real income. Like Tess Barclay only has about 30k subs and she is making $617/month. She uploads the same videos to YouTube, TikTok and Instgram Reel and all 3 generate total $1273/month. She shared her story here: https://reviewinfobase.com/jz/gptvideo
Many newbies were trying to make a perfect video and it took forever. That makes them feel making video is so hard and they quit after just a few videos.
Along with this course, we also introduce some tools that will speed the process for you. So today’s tool is still: https://reviewinfobase.com/wp/TikTokRevolution
Remember, post your video on TikTok as well, then use the method in TikTok Revolution to drive tons of followers to your video.
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